Best Planetary Picture Module


This is an EXPERIMENTAL technique. The general idea of this module is: Astronomy module allows revealing planetary cycles like Mercury's or Venus-Jupiter's or any other combinations of one/two planets.


But  it is impossible to analyze more complicated formulae like Sun+Venus-Mercury+Jupiter. To analyze these combinations as we used to do in Astronomy module is practically impossible, there are thousands of combinations (you will see yourself), and it is necessary to check them all.
So run this module through "Tools -> Best Planetary Picture" menu. The calculations in this module are very time consuming (to make it faster disable 5 terms pictures):


When you determine what planetary pictures you are investigating (see the image above), click "Find!" button, and the program will analyze 17.629 pictures and displays the rated list of most influent pictures:


You can choose any of these combinations and watch the projection line based on this planetary picture (a red line):



For each planetary picture the program displays the fitness coefficients:



The fist coefficient is the correlation between projection line price on TRAINING interval (blue region - price history before Learning Border Cursor), the second - correlation between projection line and price on TESTING interval (red region):

Clicking "Add" button you can put any picture into "picture box" (superposition of several planetary pictures):


or send them into "Strategy" window.