Venus phase, or New Venus. We are considering phase Zodiac here, New Venus corresponds to zero degree of Aries:

It is quite possible that the New Venus is related to the top turning points. The Efficiency Test looks like this:

The turning point happens on the third day after the New Venus.

We have up movement 4 days before this turning point (strategy 1 day before -> 3 days after provides 62% ups): 


and next 5 days market moves down (strategy  3 days after -> 8 days after provides 56.6% downs):


Actually, in this case I would recommend using the Astronomy module (the corresponding class will be released soon). Look at this composite for Venus phases:


This diagram definitely shows that market follows Venus phases. The trend picture regarding Venus phases looks like this:


The aspect we analyzed in this example is responsible only for local turning point that are presented in the Composite diagram this: